HHF 2022 maple updates - Week Four
We survived Maple Weekend 2022! Thank you so much to all of you that joined us to celebrate all things maple - we hope you had fun. It’s definitely the point in the season where us farmers get tired. The weather cooperated this week with a few freezing nights and some nice sap runs. The downside is, we haven’t had a day of rest. It’s hard to believe we’ve only actually had 17 boiling days in the sugarhouse since February 12th when we started. It feels more like 170 days!
The theme of this season seems to be equipment breakdowns. Our luck didn’t change much this week when we had to troubleshoot a vacuum pump, chimney issue, and a reverse osmosis machine malfunction. Thank goodness for good friends and parts suppliers so we can get things back on line as quickly as possible. It wouldn’t be farming if there wasn’t surprises!
We’ve reached some consistent maple friendly weather, nearly doubling our season production in just a weeks time. We’re now up to 775 gallons, with a goal of 1,000 gallons of liquid gold before the weather changes to true spring. We’re feeling good about where we are at, and Mother Nature looks to send us some colder weather in the week ahead. The sugar content in sap has been a bit disappointing - averaging less than 2% - which leads to more sap needed to make a gallon of syrup.
We hope to be boiling for another two weeks if all goes well. We’re open this weekend (3/26 & 3/27) at the sugarhouse 10am till 4:30pm. We also expect to be open to the public during the first weekend of April. Please get out and visit while you can. There’s nothing quite like the smell and taste of maple syrup right off the pans.
maple tap count
2,500 Taps
First Boil - February 12, 2022
17 boiling days to date
Total Sap Collected so far…
43,885 Gallons
1.65% Sugar Average
52 Gal needed for 1 Gal syrup
Maple Syrup Total as of 3/25
775 Gallons
Maple Grades
Amber Rich & Dark Robust
Keep your fingers crossed that we have many boiling days ahead! As we switch into spring mode, be sure to reach out if you’re interested in local firewood delivery or our grass fed beef. More updates to come as we reach the end of the season and that much desired Very Dark grade maple syrup.
be healthy, support local, think maple
~Kelly Webb